recovery morning

I had every intention of spending this Monday morning like every other Monday morning: getting up with the dog around 6 a.m., having coffee while making our breakfasts and Andrew’s lunch, then heading to the gym for pilates/yoga and swimming.

Until we didn’t go to bed after our day at the “beach” until well after 11.  And Hadrian woke me up at 3:50 to go to the bathroom.  (To which I replied, “It’s not time to get up yet, go lie down” and he promptly crawled back onto his bed.)  And then he woke me up again, this time at 5:30, and I relented and took him out.  When I ended up sleeping-in until 7, I still thought I might just fit in a quick run, but my body was telling me I needed a rest day.  Between 13 miles on Saturday and an easy elliptical workout and long day yesterday, I was tired!

That, and I needed to get organized for the week before picking Andrew up to see houses with our realtor over his lunch break.  It’s my routine; I hate being super busy on Sunday night or Monday morning and not feeling prepared for the week.

So, I’m calling this my recovery morning, filled with:

-a big steaming cup of coffee, sweetened with creamer and coconut milk

-two loads of laundry

-downloading yesterday’s photos

-catching up on blogs and email

-making the bed

-adding “to-do” items to the planner

And, of course, my “recovery” breakfast:

One banana, cut-up strawberries, 1/2 C plain yogurt, 1/4 Wegmans granola with raisins, flax seeds and flaxseed meal.  YUM!  Today will be filled with lots of water and nutritious foods to make up for yesterday’s steak sandwich and mindless munching.  Overall, I think I did very well for someone watching what they’re eating while being surrounded by chips (I took it easy), beer (I refrained, mostly because I just wasn’t interested) and burgers (I ate what I packed–leftover quinoa and an orange).

On the docket for the afternoon:

-beach-photo post

-blog work–new page and updated “About Me” page coming soon!

-emptying the dishwasher

-writing contest entries

-“clips” portfolio work

– Ellie Krieger’s Sloppy Joes  for dinner!

2 thoughts on “recovery morning

  1. Your breakfast looks delicious. After reading this Mom’s Guide (, I started taking better inventory of what I feed my son and I noticed he was getting way too much sugar and processed food. The more I read about these things I realized not only could it affect his dental health but overall health as well. We’re starting to make some changes. I’ve heard a lot about flax seed but didn’t know there was flax seed meal. It’s a whole new world for me out there 🙂

    1. Thanks! I like to sprinkle flax seeds and flaxseed meal on yogurt or into smoothies for added goodness. I’m not completely spun-up on all the benefits of flax seeds, but I know that there are some things flaxseeds have that your body can’t absorb unless it’s pre-ground, hence the flaxseed meal. I think in the future I’m going to just use the “meal” part and start using chia seeds, which are really good for you, too. Flax seeds are really great for granolas or for adding into breads and baked goods, too.

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