Thanksgiving 2023

We had quite the crowd for Thanksgiving this year! Sixteen people–six of them young kids–certainly kept things lively at the Layer house.

After we cleaned up from this year’s Turk-EA Trot, cleaned ourselves up and headed over to my in-laws’ house for dinner. My parents were here for the holiday, and the Layers were kind enough to include us so we could see everyone. We brought over five people (one on crutches) and a few dishes to share.

Maelle and her cousin, Nora, are the same age and love to play with their cousin, Mason.

We also try to get our tree sometime during Thanksgiving weekend, and it was fun to bring my parents along with us. This is the second year I’ve had to do the tree-cutting related to one of Andrew’s injuries…

This was the first year Maelle really decorated the tree, which was fun to share with her. I’m pretty sure only one ornament hit the ground, and thankfully it wasn’t a complete casualty.

It turned out to be a HUGE blessing that my parents came for Thanksgiving this year (we never take enough photos!), as they were able to help when Andrew tore his ACL and then when I came down with the stomach bug Sunday night before they were going to leave. Andrew had already left on his work trip (and unfortunately got sick while out of town), and I was sick enough that I couldn’t have taken care of Maelle. Mom even made a batch of chicken soup for when I recovered!

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