Turk-EA Trot 2023

The 7th Annual Turk-EA Trot was our best yet! I can honestly say it was the first one (or at least the first one in awhile) that I wasn’t running around like a chicken with my head cut off! Being a race director is a lot of work and can be super stressful, but I think we’ve finally hit our stride and things didn’t seem as hard this year.

We had nearly 600 people cross the finish line, up from 422 last year! We continue to grow each year, and I’m so proud to see my dream come to fruition.

This year we gave ‘finisher medals’ to kids under 10, and increased our donations to include two additional recipients: the Boys and Girls Club of Elma, Marilla and Wales, as well as the East Aurora High School Track Booster Club. (We’ve been giving to the EA Boys and Girls Club for the last few years.)

It’s always a bit chaotic, but I managed to stop for a family photo! Andrew tore his ACL two days ago in a basketball game, but I appreciated the help he was able to give and his encouragement that day.

Mom and Dad finally came for Thanksgiving! Mom’s been wanting to run in the Turk-EA Trot for years. It was also a huge blessing that they came, since Andrew is now down for the count…I needed the help!

The race just seems to get better and better every year!

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