house project: we have windows!

And don’t they look amazing?!

The windows really make all the difference! Until they were in, it was just dark spaces with plywood walls; now it seems open and light and feels much more like ‘rooms’ of a house.

We chose Andersen E-Series windows, which are wood on the inside and aluminum on the outside. We chose black for both in and out, and plan to replace the rest of the windows in the house to match, hopefully soon. Despite being old, our house didn’t have any of the original windows left; they had all been replaced with white vinyl windows over the years. I wish we’d still had the original windows–I know a gal who is an expert in window restoration!

Here is the new kitchen (right side of the above exterior photo of the house):

Here’s the porch room (left side of exterior house photo):

I still cannot believe that the porch room was ACTUALLY already a part of our house–we just weren’t using it! It seems so silly now that we never made the space more usable, since it’s square footage we already owned. Crazy.

We also put new windows in the bedroom (my workout room) above the kitchen, so that the front of the house would feature the same windows and look more cohesive. The windows also got taller, which will be really nice in that room.

The window bay (I hate calling them ‘bay windows’) in the kitchen got its roof! At least part of it; it will be black metal once it’s finished. This roof has been a point of contention between Andrew and me for years; he and the architect loved a more traditional curved roof in copper, while I preferred something more contemporary. The curved version ‘fit’ better as it’s so close to the swoop roof, but after seeing some of the more flat/straight rooflines on some of the old homes in Alexandria and Georgetown (we visit often), I won Andrew over.

Also, can you believe the first and last photos here were taken only a few days apart? That’s spring weather for you here in Western New York–snow one day and sun the next!

Up next: a couple ‘extras’ I’m really excited about!

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