where did May go?!

My last post was from earlier this month, about our trip to Alexandria, and here we are, coming up on Memorial Day! We’ve been SO BUSY, but haven’t really done anything…how is that possible?

Continue reading “where did May go?!”

Help the Body with Nutrient-Dense Foods

Last month, I wrote about some of the ‘healthy-in-name-only’ items, such as energy bars and coffee shop-smoothies, as well as truly nutrient-dense options, like red meat and eggs, which may not come to mind when you use the term ‘healthy.’

Continue reading “Help the Body with Nutrient-Dense Foods”

the Wilhelms came to visit!

My bestie and her family came for a quick visit last weekend. It already feels like a lifetime ago; we spent this past week in Alexandria for Andrew’s conference and between hosting the weekend before and trip and the trip itself, we’re spent.

The last time Emily and Dan were at our house it was 2018, I was training for my first triathlon and we’d get pregnant with Maelle just a couple months later. Now THAT feels like a lifetime ago!

Continue reading “the Wilhelms came to visit!”