a January unlike any other

This January might have been the busiest month we’ve ever had. With Andrew’s surgery and the beginning of our house project fast approaching, Andrew squeezed in as much work travel as he could. He was out of town for three of the four weeks, and I was starting to pack up our downstairs in preparation for moving out. I don’t think I sat down all month.

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Transferring Heat in the Kitchen

Let’s get back to basics, shall we?

I’ve been reading the novel Lessons in Chemistry after receiving it for Christmas, and it’s inspired—potentially—my next 12 columns. The book itself is great and checks all the boxes for me (strong female character, a little romance, a little humor), but it really reminded me how much I loved chemistry and food science in college.  The truth is, cooking basically IS chemistry, and a little understanding of what’s going on will go a long way in your kitchen. 

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house project: an overview

Writing this post feels a bit like the one in which I announced I was pregnant; I’m finally bringing something HUGE in our lives into the blogosphere. Our partial home renovation, referred to as the ‘house project,’ has been on our radar for at least six years, if not seven. (I know this because we’d been working with our architect for at least a year before I was pregnant.) So, not only has the house project ramped up in the last year, it’s simply been IN our lives for quite awhile, despite the radio silence. I just didn’t feel like I could say anything until it was ‘official,’ and that took much longer than anticipated.

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