wait, June is over already?

How are we already almost halfway into JULY?!

June started with a bang as my ‘stroller mama’ running group celebrated a bunch of our birthdays, adult-style, on my patio with drinks and a fire. I love this group of mom friends, whether we’re sweaty, all dressed up to go out (which we rarely do!), or somewhere in between.

We attended the annual Kiwanis Chicken BBQ at the park together and enjoyed some community and playtime at the playground.

Nana helped Maelle plant some bush beans while she and Hannah were here for my birthday. They sprouted up almost overnight!

Run group continues every Thursday night, and the strollers have done a mix of meeting at Aurora Brew Works and Hamlin Park. Andrew tries to run with us when his schedule allows.

I discovered family yoga on Peloton! Maelle and I did a class set to the music from The Little Mermaid! I love that she wants to work out with me!

We made a trip to Rochester to pick up some chairs we ordered from Pottery Barn. I love this photo: Hamley Bear on Maelle’s shoulders, and Maelle on Andrew’s.

We attended our first EA Music Fest! It’s hard to believe we’ve never gone–as it’s literally in our hometown–but I believe most years we’ve been traveling. We only went during the afternoon with Maelle, and our church was actually a great spot to sit and relax, enjoy some music and food, and let the kids run around. Next year, we’ll have to get a sitter so we can go back out in the evening!

Maelle got her own library card!

We took a weekend to clean and oil the deck. So much work. But, it looks brand new every time we do it.

Maelle had a sleepover! Her friend, Ále, stayed with us while his older sister had a birthday sleepover at their house. They two of them play well together, so we had a great time, and even took him running with us the following morning. We had to borrow a double stroller to do it!

At the end of the month, Maelle started swim lessons. I signed her up for Preschool, but she got moved up to Level One. Proud Mama moment! She is actually quite adept in the water, and can doggie paddle short distances, put her face in and even dive to get sinking toys on the bottom.

She also did two weeks of Pee Wee Soccer. It was her first experience with a soccer ball, and she had a lot of fun!

Maelle even had her first sleepover at a friend’s house! She did great, and provided entertainment for the babies. We’re practicing for later this summer (early fall?) when we can stay the night with our friends’ kids so THEY can get away!

We got ambitious and started a gravel drainage project the weekend before our July 3rd party. It began as an aesthetic improvement, as weeds had begun to take over this small section between the driveway and patio. But, we also get standing water there whenever we have a heavy rain, so we decided now was the right time to address that problem. Andrew tied in some new drainage pipes to the existing drain, and then dug out the top layer and replaced it with gravel. The last step–which still needs to be done–is putting on a thin layer of the ‘glue gravel.’ Almost done!

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